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David Cameron: For The Record

This is an in-depth insight of what it was like for David Cameron as leader of the Conservative Party, to lead the first coalition government since World War Two and then lead the Conservative Party to a majority in the 2015 General Election. This autobiography covers  a lot, a lot more than I expected...

The two most important things that I took away from For The Record was how honest it was, there was no sugarcoating mistakes and reflection. The second being the reason why the Conservative Party is the oldest and most successful political party, and that is due to progressing with the times. For me, it was an important read because it was under David Cameron’s leadership that I joined the Conservative Party. In my first year of studying A Level Government and Politics, I liked how he had reformed the Party, to modernise it and really highlighted how your background doesn’t have to stop you from achieving what you want. 

“Opportunity for all – all people, from all backgrounds wasn’t something I dreamed up only at election time. My entire leadership had been founded on raising peoples chances while widening our appeal as a party.”

A quote which spoke to me; your background doesn’t have to hold you back, instead use the experiences you have to show what you can do and through that you’ll shine.

I had 4 parts of the book that which definitely stood out;

  • Modernising the party

Without modernising the Party, I for sure would have been a lot more reserved about joining the party, but modernisation has changed people’s opinions of the Conservative Party (for better or worse, thats up to you – but I would say it’s made the party better; a place people want to be and a party that members can be proud of!)

  • Legalisation of gay marriage

It’s the 21st Century, people should be allowed to marry who they want, without the state telling them ‘no.’ Perhaps this was controversial for the Conservatives to get behind (obviously as David Cameron points out in the book, there were quite a few reservations), however progressing with the times is what has helped the Conservative Party be a successful political party – evolving when society asks!

  • The United Kingdom and the United States special relationship

David Cameron and Barack Obama, what a dream team. They were calm, patient, diplomatic and thoughtful; a new refreshing era of politics – one i definitely miss.

  • EU Referendum

This was a risk, and looking back it was the right time to have held it. Holding such a referendum was brave and the result is hard to ignore, it has changed the course of history and has really changed people’s attitudes towards politics, and I would argue – the result has got more people involved in politics but they have seen their voice at the ballot box can make a difference!

It sounds generic, but this book made me laugh and cry and feel proud to be a Conservative. Even if you are not a Conservative, I would say to you – if you can find a copy, pick it up and read a chapter or two, it’s personal, honest and sends you through a wave of emotions. 

Remember that as you pick up the baton and lead. I will be willing you on as you do.

Beautiful final sentence, giving whoever reads the book the encouragement to pursue their passion and interest, knowing that silently – people are cheering you on in the background.

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