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Academic Conferences

To make the most of my time as a PhD Researcher, I'm thrilled to be given the opportunity to share my on-going work with others in the academic community. 


This page is dedicated to those conferences.

An investigation into dual heritage, conservatism and free speech: A British Indian perspective.

British Intellectual Conservatism: Past and Present Conference on the Free Speech and Conservatism panel.

In this paper, I examined two things simultaneously - being British and Indian, being conservative and therefore supporting free speech.


The inspiration for the paper derives from existing literature on ethnicity and race being analysed through a post-colonial lens which have Marxist assumptions and due to the left-leaning nature of academia, is largely left unchallenged.


To collect my tentative conclusions I have launched a online mixed-methods questionnaire.

The Legacy of Margaret Thatcher and British Indian Identity: A Complicated Relationship

Margaret Thatcher: Her Life, Work and Legacy Conference on the Identity and Nationalism panel

In this paper I assessed attitudes towards Margaret Thatcher by presenting primary data.


The data I presented was made up of qualitative semi-structured elite interviews and quantitative questionnaire data. The conclusions presented at this conference were tentative.

Academic Conferences: Projects
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